Pricision, patience and purpose—
Ann-Marie Gillet
“My current work explores themes that give rise to vastly different imagery but are born from the same source—the natural world that exists around me on my 12-acre homestead.”
Both the cultivated and the wild elements of nature are a source of comfort, awe, solace and inspiration to me. I consider nature my muse. Observing both the subtle and the dramatic changes that occur daily in my environment give rise to a language of color relationships, textural surfaces, and morphing shapes and forms that I use in my work. These observations of my environment and the forces that work upon it have resulted in my exploring themes like growth, resiliency, memory, rebirth and the passage of time. Over the years I have developed a technique that involves painting different color gradations and textures on artist tape and then cutting and arranging meticulously cut shapes to develop an image. Colored pencil, watercolor, Posca markers and graphite are sometimes used to enhance the work. Recent work with enhanced cyanotype printing has expanded my expressive and experimental repertoire. The methodical and contemplative nature of this work suits my process to intuitively make decisions and revise what I make as the image takes form. My intent is to interpret and give visual form to the relationships I have with my natural surroundings that are deeply felt.
Ann-Marie began her art career with a BS in art education from R.I. College. She continued her postgraduate studies in painting, ceramics and printmaking at Rhode Island School of Design, Bennington College and Massachusetts School of Art and Design. After doing freelance illustration and operating a one-woman textile business (Softworks) she became a visual arts teacher (30 years) and department head (8 years) at the Wheeler School in Providence, RI. While there she received the first Jason and Carly Siperstein Faculty Chair for teaching excellence. She also taught adult students in the Brown University MAT program for 10 years. She now has a studio practice that has resulted in numerous awards with work shown in both group and solo shows in numerous galleries throughout New England and New York. She is an active member of several art groups including 19 on Paper, Seekonk Artist Network, the Pawtucket Arts Collaborative., and the Bristol Art Museum. She also has been appointed to the Seekonk Cultural Council because of her life-long involvement in the arts.
Ann-Marie Gillett
“My relationship with Juniper Rag has been greatly satisfying on both a personal and professional level. I now have access to a family of other artists that help keep me connected to a world of creating greater than my studio. Whether virtual, or at the many exhibitions sponsored by Juniper Rag, I can connect, share and grow from these new connections which positively affects my own practice. I also am appreciative of the many ways Michelle and Payal promote the work I do through their various social media platforms. They have expanded my reach to places I hadn’t reached before. Once in the Juniper Rag family you will benefit from their encouragement, validation and energetic enthusiasm of the arts.”
—Ann-Marie Gillett, Seekonk, MA